Secure e-commerce technologies  

The course covers the latest computer technologies in the field of e-commerce, focusing on security risks, issues and solutions for the web environment and e-commerce systems. The course focuses on the use of e-commerce methods and information technology in business with the aim of implementing and maintaining effective security policies. Laboratory classes, based on an example of a website, provide the opportunity to gain practical skills in developing secure electronic commerce systems. Outcome: Ability to define, interpret and use professional terminology in e-commerce. - The test, based on theoretical knowledge, shows the ability to constructively analyze the problem to be solved using professional terminology. Ability to analyze problem situations and independently conclude on the use of secure e-commerce solutions in business. - During the laboratory work, the ability to identify possible solutions, limitations of the given task and to offer alternatives to alternative solutions is shown. Ability to develop an e-commerce solution project and implement a website prototype. - During the execution of the laboratory work, the ability to perform the assigned tasks following the instructions are shown. Ability to explain the nature, potential and importance of using security solutions in specific areas of e-commerce. - The examination demonstrates the ability to recognize the essence of formulated thematic issues, as well as to provide a concise and reasoned explanation of the given topics.
Secure e-commerce technologies

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